Notable Community Members
Context: frontend-dev-bookmarks / Ecosystem
Important engineers, evangelists, architects and other celebrities.
- Addy Osmani: Engineer at Google working on open web tooling.
- Alex Sexton: Alex Sexton is an engineer at Stripe. He is on the Modernizr core team, the jQuery Board of Directors, as well as the Dojo Foundation Board.
- Modernizr: It’s a collection of superfast tests – or “detects” as we like to call them – which run as your web page loads, then you can use the results to tailor the experience to the user.
- André Staltz: Founder of the cycle.js framework and important contributor to ReactiveX.
- Cycle.js and Functional Reactive User Interfaces: In this talk we will discover how Cycle.js is purely reactive and functional, and why it's an interesting alternative to React.
- Dynamics of Change: why Reactivity Matters: In this talk we will see when passive or reactive strategy is advantageous, and how the reactive strategy is a sensible default.
- MVI in Cycle.js Docs: André Staltz describes how to refactor an application into MVI pattern.
- Nothing New in React and Flux Except One Thing: Andre Staltz talks about aspects of React and Flux which make them innovative and compelling.
- RxMarbles: A webapp for experimenting with diagrams of Rx Observables, for learning purposes.
- Some Problems with React/Redux: André Staltz goes through the pros and cons of React + Redux.
- The Introduction to Reactive Programming: André Staltz provides a complete introduction to the Reactive Programming and RxJS.
- Unidirectional Data Flow Architectures (Talk): Andre Staltz compares modern architecture patterns including Flux, Redux, Model-View-Intent, Elm Arch and BEST.
- What if the User was a Function?: In this video André Staltz talks about the input/output cycle between humans and computers and how to take advantage of this model by using FRP and event streams.
- Why We Built Xstream: The authors needed a stream library tailored for Cycle.js. It needs to be “hot” only, small in kB size and it should have only a few and intuitive operators.
- Xstream: An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript.
- Why We Built Xstream: The authors needed a stream library tailored for Cycle.js. It needs to be “hot” only, small in kB size and it should have only a few and intuitive operators.
- Brad Frost: Web designer, speaker, writer, consultant, musician, and artist in beautiful Pittsburgh.
- Atomic Design: Atomic Design discusses the importance of crafting robust design systems, and introduces a methodology for which to create smart, deliberate interface systems.
- Responsive Navigation Patterns: The article describes some of the more popular techniques for handling navigation in responsive designs.
- Brian Lonsdorf: Lead UXE Engineer at Salesforce, JavaScript developer and speaker known for his work in functional programming community.
- Charles Max Wood: Podcaster at, organizer of remote confs such as Angular RC, React RC, Rails RC. Software consultant and developer.
- Adventures in Angular: Adventures in Angular is a weekly podcast dedicated to the Angular JavaScript framework and related technologies, tools, languages, and practices.
- JavaScript Jabber: A weekly podcast about JavaScript, including Node.js, Front-End Technologies, Careers, Teams and more.
- Chris Coyier: Designer at Codepen. Writer at CSS-Tricks. Podcaster at ShopTalk.
- Douglas Crockford: Computer programmer who is best known for his ongoing involvement in the development of the JavaScript language, for having popularized the data format JSON, and for developing JSLint and JSMin.
- Monads and Gonads: In this video from YUIConf 2012, Douglas Crockford attempts to break the long-standing Monad tutorial curse by explaining the concept and applications of monads in a way that is actually understandable to the audience.
- Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript: An article by Douglas Crockford introducing the Object.create() method and describing the rational behind it.
- James Long: Works on Firefox Developer Tools at Mozilla.
- Jonathan Snook: A web designer and developer who is currently UX Architect at Xero. Former lead frontend developer at Shopify.
- SMACSS: SMACSS (pronounced “smacks”) is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. It is an attempt to document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS.
- Mikito Takada (mixu): Software engineer at Stripe.
- Learn CSS Layout the pedantic way: Walks you through every major concept in CSS layout, without trying to simplify away the underlying mechanisms described in the CSS 2.1 and flexbox specs.
- Single Page Apps in Depth: This free book is what I wanted when I started working with single page apps. It's not an API reference on a particular framework, rather, the focus is on discussing patterns, implementation choices and decent practices.
- Nicholas C. Zakas: Former principal front-end engineer at Yahoo! and YUI developer. Leads a team of frontend engineers at Box now.
- Nicolas Gallagher: Frontend Engineer at Twitter.
- Pete Hunt: Co-founder & CEO @HelloSmyte. Ex-FB and Instagram. Worked on React.js.